Every Second with the Circus

    Voting time has ended in Iran. Polling stations are closed.
    In the last minutes of the voting, “Sabereen News”, a Telegram channel affiliated with the IRGC, called the turnout a “disaster”.
    Participation rate did not even reach 40%. It’s reported at 37%!

    Cloudflare radar data show that there have been widespread disruptions in Iran’s Internet for a few hours. Many users in Iran report disconnection of proxy servers and severe internet disruption.
    Iran’s internet traffic on the cloudflare radar shows a sharp and sudden drop in recent hours.
    Based on experience, disruption of Internet during elections is usually either a prelude to a major fraud or an initial measure to deal with possible protests. Or both.

    Prince Reza Pahlavi’s message to the people of Iran regarding the boycott of the election circus

    He began his message by asserting the widespread boycott of the Election Circus: “The evidence from empty polling stations across the country demonstrates the Iranian nation’s decisive rejection of the regime’s Election Circus. This widespread boycott, which even supporters and affiliates of the Islamic Republic have admitted to, demonstrates your resolute determination to move beyond this illegitimate and anti-Iranian regime.”

    At the end of his message, Prince Reza Pahlavi said: “Know that this great national solidarity is indispensable and will serve as a platform for future major victories.

    The video sent from one of the main polling stations in the east of Tehran, Abuzar Mosque (Ahang), shows that this mosque is empty of voters at 7:30 PM. At the same time, the IRIB van can be seen in the clip, the team that was sent to this branch to record propaganda footage. But no one came. People boycotted the regime’s election circus.

    Threatening people with loudspeakers to participate in the election circus

    In this video, Mahmoud Khojasteh, a member of “Chah Jamal” Town Council, in Iranshahr, uses the loudspeaker of the mosque to draw people to the polls and threatens them that if they don’t vote, they will be denied services!

    After announcing the drastic drop in the participation rate in Qom, now the governor of Gilan also reported that after 9 hours of voting, only 20% of the eligible voters in the province participated in the presidential election circus.

    The first official statistics published by Qom Governor regarding today’s turnout: 25%!
    Qom, the most religious province of Iran, is considered to be the base of Shia, or in the words of “Mohammed Aghamiri”, Qom Governor, “the base of the Islamic Revolution”. But today this province reports “25% participation” in the last hours of voting!
    For comparison, this province had announced a turnout of 53.17% in the “presidential election” of 2021, which was also widely boycotted. In the parliamentary elections in March last year, Qom took the first place.
    But today, according to the governor, Qom has the third place in the country with 25% participation.
    Aghamiri said: “Qom should be different compared to other provinces”, but it is not. According to reports and observations, in all provinces, strong majority boycotted the election circus.

    Due to the absence of people at the voting booths, or according to Mahmoud Sadeghi, a former member of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, “a turnout much lower than expected”, the Ministry of Interior extended the time of the “Election Circus” until 20:00.

    Marvdasht: One of the polling stations – Nobody is there, even security guard!

    In Shahdad Kerman, the most peaceful place in the city was the polling station.
    Changing the polling station use to a dormitory!

    Due to sluggishness of the election circus, regime goons are walking around the streets of Pakdasht of Tehran with loudspeakers and calling people to go to the polls.

    One of the main promoters of the regime’s election circus confesses to a “turnout much lower than expected!”

    Long yawn of a boring afternoon in one of the polling stations, here in Tehran, Iran. Officials “swatting flies” in Beheshti Mosque, east of Tehran!

    Those eligible to vote outside of Iran, if they go to the ballot boxes today, it is generally only to identify and disgrace the regime’s foreign “bloodsuckers”.
    One of the oldest and most scandalous of these bloodsuckers is “Elahe Hicks”.
    This photo “Elahe Hicks” was published by the Islamic Propaganda Organization’s media, showing her at the polling station in Brussels.

    “Reza Nazarahari”, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic in New Zealand, announced the end of Election Circus in this country.
    The circus was held in three New Zealand cities: Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch.
    However, since this morning, many videos and reports have been published on social media on the strong criticism and protest of Iranians living in New Zealand regarding the “participation” of a handful of the regime’s affiliates in its sham elections in this country. The protesters consider the participation of these people in the “election circus” as “their complicity in the crimes of the Islamic Republic”.

    One of the reasons for the boycott of the election circus, which many Iranians cite, is the level of brutality and violence that the regime has used in suppressing nationwide protests in the past years. The hands of the regime and its officials are stained with the blood of innocent children of the country.

    The videos published by Iranians on social media from empty polling stations in cities and far corners of the country: Yazd, Isfahan, Karaj, Sistan and Baluchistan, etc. gave a big “no” to the Islamic Republic.

    Photo of a soldier who fell asleep in front of an empty polling station in Janat Abad, Tehran has gone viral on social media.

    Election Circus in world media:

    This morning’s headline of the online edition of the German newspaper “Zeit” on the presidential elections of the Islamic Republic:
    “Elections in Iran: an election that should not change anything.
    The Islamic Republic elects a new president after the death of Ebrahim Raisi. But can this regime be reformed?”

    The regime always introduced south of Tehran as its “popular base”. Our friends and audience from Tehran have sent videos of “empty and quiet polling stations” in which “bases void of regime people” are clearly visible.

    Meysam Mosque, Mahallati Hway, Tehran

    Quds Mosque is one of the stations where even the IRIB (regime’s TV & Radio) cameras are stationed for advertising purposes.

    Quds Mosque, Pirouzi neighborhood, Tehran

    Photos and videos published by Iranians on social media show the quiet streets of polling stations in different parts of the country.

    The first person who appeared at the polls: Khamenei!
    His message expressed panic and concern, rightly so: concern about the “massive boycott of the election circus by the people”.

    Khamenei: “Increasing participating in elections is a crucial need for the Islamic Republic.”

    At 8 o’clock in the morning today, June 28, 2024, Islamic Republic media announced the opening of the “election circus” polling stations in Iran.
    General figures to know:
    Number of eligible voters (domestic and abroad): 61,452,321
    Total number of polling stations: 58,640
    Urban stations: 34,522
    Rural stations: 24,118

    Before the opening of polling stations, IRIB News reported a “big and terrible earthquake” in Ardabil: “The earthquake occurred at 7:18 on Friday morning, it was extremely large and extensive, and all the people came to the streets and alleys following the strong earthquake.” The epicenter of the earthquake was reported in the Republic of Azerbaijan and its magnitude was 5.2.

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