
    Election Circus in Iran – Live Coverage

    01:00 Voting time has ended in Iran. Polling stations are closed.In the last minutes of the voting, "Sabereen News",...

    Majidreza Rahnavard and National Lion & Sun Day

    On December 12, 2022, Majidreza Rahnavard was murdered by the Islamic Republic in public. On the videos posted on social media, Majidreza is seen...

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    Election Circus in Iran – Live Coverage

    01:00 Voting time has...

    Majidreza Rahnavard and National Lion & Sun Day

    On December 12, 2022, Majidreza Rahnavard was murdered by...

    Children of Ekbatan: New Documents & Evidence, Examining Hidden Aspects

    “Basiji, Arman Ali Verdi, was injured in the Wednesday...

    Fake Iranian-German Chamber of Commerce & Its Role in Regime’s Propaganda

    "Sending various business delegations to Germany in various occasions,Fast...

    Post-Helicopter Crimes of Raisi in Iran, Condolences in New York

    Raisi committed many crimes while he was alive. Some...